it's been a tough week. yesterday
i got fired from my job. i was called in to the managers office
and she said i had been acting up toward custumers. those
fucking piss soaked people jesus christ fuck them did somebody
seriously tell on me to my fucking boss??? fucking assholes. ever
since i moved here people have been nothing but assholes swear to
god. i thought people of denver would be outdoorsy and friendly and
fucking tim allen but they got me fired from a shit job thats way
beneath me anyway.
okokok yes lets get down
to the details 1. the coordinates from close encounters
of the third kind is W104' 44' 30' N40' 36' 10'. thats
the exact EXACT location of the denver airport 2.
the AuAg. for someone whos just a passanger and dont
use the brain in the way that you should use your brain
it just looks like the symbols for gold and silver.

but AUAG is not a symbol for gold and silver. baruch
samuel blumberg who got a NOBEL PRIZE discovered a
deadly strain of hepatitis australia antigen called AUAG.
he was one of the airports biggers backers when it was
built. 3. the murals. look at this mess

theres the lord of death with a ak-47 killing
a peace dove with a sword and a gray wave is killing
the refugees who is in hiding. and look at the face of death.
he is wearing a gas mask, so the instrument of death here is
a biological weapon. also the AUAG is placed RIGHT IN FRONT
OF THIS MURAL how obvious can they be??

and the world is on fire with weapons of mass destruction
that kills penguins, whales, turtles, cheetas and of course humans.
three open caskets displays dead culture, children and a woman.
and look at the little girl in the back whos holding a mayan tablet.
this is a calendar showing that the world will end on december 21 2012,
only 14 years from now. pleace read more on this webpage.
this is one of my favorite sites. i highly recommend it, pleace check it out. When the SOLAR ECLIPSE is conjuncting the stars of the Pleiades, i will execute the my plan. THE DATE IS SET!

screw them. seriously i dont care if thay dont want to see me again. i dont give a shit if she takes
allie and the house honsestly im GLAD. do you guys know what thakes up the most of the time in the world? the wife the child the job
and the night. i am a strong believer in in THE GREATER GOOD you know that. this Gives me all The time I need to Fucus on the
things thats happening around the world. they dont care or know or even care to listen to me. she makes allie not listen.
i know She will turn out like the other damn sheep in this world and it all HER fault. this is FREEDOM to do
whatever i need to do. i found a place close by the airport. my research will go on. ill post about the research here soon enough.
she resents me. i can tell. the way she looks at me, with disgust. i know shes turning
Allie against me too. she used to light up whenever She saw me but She donsnt do that anymore. she never
laughs when im around. I can hear them i n the kitchen together. laughing. having a blast. as soon as i step in
they turn quiet.
shes going to start school soon. when she doesnt spend all day with my resentful b to a wife she might improve. but i Doubt
it. shes already ruined. Im not Going tto get my daughter back.